Sanctuary Dog, Buddy (NOT ADOPTABLE)

Sanctuary Dog, Buddy (NOT ADOPTABLE)

Buddy (bite history, inhibition tbd)

Buddy is 14yrs old and was rescued from the Camarillo shelter of Ventura County, at the start of 2018. He was “rescue only” due to biting his owner on multiple occasions and charging at house guests. He guarded spaces, toys, and would actively challenge people. Buddy was a tense dog that had never had a trusting relationship with any human and never saw anyone as his leader. Time was spent building a relationship with him through walks, playing fetch, brushings, and teaching him how to use a treadmill. For Buddy, re-establishing his understanding of a household, and building a trusting relationship were key. He was muzzle conditioned and taught what was acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Having spent his entire life practicing specific reactions and being allowed to get away with things, it required consistency and time to teach him how to make better choices. He needed to trust and respect the people in his life. When he challenged, he was shown that challenging would no longer work. The people in his life would be his rock and foundation, standing their ground until he made the choice to back off. For us, it’s important that our dogs understand that no matter what happens, we’re still going to be here for them. It took close to 1.5yrs before Buddy felt comfortable enough to roll over on his own for a belly rub. Today, he frequently comes over for belly rubs and shows exactly how much of a goofball he really is. He loves to play fetch and is extremely good motivated. You’ll frequently find him doing silly wiggles on his back, or lounging around, enjoying the air blowing through his fur.