Sanctuary Dog, Kimo  (NOT ADOPTABLE)

Sanctuary Dog, Kimo (NOT ADOPTABLE)

Kimo (bite history)

Kimo is 6yrs old and was rescued from the Pasadena Humane Society in Sept. 2018. He was “rescue only” after failing and attempting to bite in all four of his temperament evaluations: touch sensitivity, food possession, toy possession, and meeting another dog. On multiple occasions, he tried to bite shelter staff and other dogs as he passed by them. Kimo was surrendered to the shelter because his owner was pregnant and feared their baby would not be safe around him due to how protective he was. He was a very insecure dog, which happens when a dog doesn’t have someone showing them right from wrong, or giving them direction and guidance. He always did what he wanted, when he wanted. He didn’t like being touched around his neck, and would lunge when someone held eye contact with him for too long. He had no concept of what any rules were. He was very pushy and stubborn (like many low-riders out there). To help Kimo, he was muzzle conditioned, taught the household rules and boundaries, leash manners, and desensitized to touch. Once a relationship is established with Kimo, he shows that he’s actually a very respectful boy and is much more secure and sure of himself when he has someone telling him what to do. One on one, he has a calm demeanor and loves spending quality time with his person. He enjoys going on walks, hikes, car rides, patrolling the yards for quail and rabbits, and relaxing while being brushed. He’s a very playful boy when he’s with another dog he jives with. One of his best buds and romping partners is fellow sanctuary boy, Buddy. Kimo’s a pretty simple guy - he loves just being a dog, without the pressures of the human world.